Welcome to Helpdesk Buttons and Tier2Tickets. You’re moments away from dramatically improving your helpdesk experience. Helpdesk Buttons and Tier2Tickets was founded by an MSP for an MSP with a goal of lowering the time spent on the discovery process. Customers have stated they are now saving 10 – 15 minutes on every single ticket every single time. If improving your helpdesk is your goal, take a couple of minutes to go over our best practices.
Best Practices Overview
- Join our discord server – We have customer made flyers, videos, and tips.
- Install Helpdesk Buttons across your entire network – If you only have it installed on one or two sites you may get a ticket once or twice a month. You’ll never see a benefit unless your technicians are used to looking for the report. Our report, already has all of their Tier 1 diagnostics for them.
- Direct your customer to submit a ticket through the button press or the button on their desktop – Add a hold message to your companies phone number, add a reminder to your email signature, and finally just have your technicians remind them.
Who should I give my sample buttons to?
We HIGHLY recommend you give 1 of your 2 sample buttons to whomever does your company demo’s. Everyone is approaching your customer with a similar pitch, and nothing really sets your company apart. Having the ability to submit a ticket at the push of a button is a HUGE differentiator and it lands extremely well. Letting your customers know that you’ll be able to solve your customers issues the very first time will leave a lasting impression.
Button 2 of 2 should be given to your MOST demanding customer. You know who we’re talking about. It’s that customer that always needs instant attention, can’t describe their issue clearly and always has the highest priority issue. By the time they call the office, your technician will already know what’s wrong with their machine and will be well on their way to solving the issue.
How to program my Helpdesk Button
- Log into your Helpdesk Buttons account
- Connect your Helpdesk Button to your machine
- PRESS AND HOLD your Helpdesk Button down for at LEAST 10 seconds
It’s that simple! If done correctly, you will be directed to a website stating your button have been paired to your account. Please follow the same steps for the second button.
PS: The programming method described is only for your SAMPLE BUTTONS. Buttons can only be programmed onto an account ONCE. Any buttons ordered will already programmed to your account and you will not need to follow these steps.
Do you need help?
If you have any questions at all, the best method of communicating is through our Tier2 Technologies discord community. If you do not use discord, you can always reach us at support@tier2tickets.com