

Webhooks and Automations!

While we’re secretly working in the background on improving our service… We wanted to remind you of a feature that you should be using as well as how to increase adoption.

Webhooks // Toast Notifications. 

Toast notifications (Webhooks) can be enabled for the majority of the PSAs.  Enabling webhooks will allow you to proactively send a customer status changes in their ticket. We will send the customer a notification anytime a technician changes the status of their ticket until completion. (Toast notifications are the ones that pop up on the bottom right of the taskbar)

How to enable toast // webhooks-

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Increasing client adoption (reduce phone calls!)

We’ve taken the time to expand and rework some of our best practices. I know it can be quite long, but 10 minutes today, will save you a lifetime of headaches.


We’ve reached out to Alex’s PC Solutions and they have graciously provided us with a few ai automation examples. These automations will provide the customer with a form link for the corresponding categories (one for equipment purchase, new hire, and employee termination.) Make sure you edit out ******************FORMLINK*************** with the corresponding form.

categories = ["equipment purchase", "new hire", "termination"]
result = ai_categorize(msg, categories)

if 'new hire' in result['matches']:
  tier2assist.append({'msg': 'If you are looking to add a new employee please fill out this form.', 'action': '******************FORMLINK***************' + ticketID})

if 'equipment purchase' in result['matches']:
  tier2assist.append({'msg': 'If you are looking to purchase some new equipment please fill out this form.', 'action': '******************FORMLINK***************' + ticketID})

if 'termination' in result['matches']:
  tier2assist.append({'msg': 'If you are looking to terminate an employee please fill out this form.', 'action': '******************FORMLINK***************' + ticketID})

You can view a step-by-step guide on how to add automations to Tier2Tickets here –

Use the button as a selling tool!

When visiting a customer, make sure you take your Helpdesk Button and use it as a selling tool! Believe us, it lands extremely well when you tell a customer that they can submit a ticket easily by pressing a button! If you do not have a set of buttons, reply to this email saying so and we’ll have a pair of demo buttons sent over to you.

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About Tier 2 Tickets

We've got 20 years in the helpdesk business and while we love what we do, there's got to be a way to do it better. People are lazy, let's outsmart them.