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2021 Year in Review

Dear Partner,  

Thank you for joining us for another year as we have further honed and added features to Tier2Tickets and Helpdesk Buttons. In writing out what we’ve accomplished this year, it was exciting to see the hard work that our team has put into our product, but more than that, we are acutely aware of the energy and input each of you have contributed to our success. The word-of-mouth evangelism, the honest feedback, the excitement as we’ve held demo calls and casual conversations. Each interaction with you has not only made our product stronger – you give our team a galvanized sense of community and while we find great pride and satisfaction in creating our products, you have made it a joy to do.  

So before we say anything else, thank you. We appreciate you and look forward to always earning our place as a part of your stack by creating a product that you are thrilled to use.  

As many of you know, this product was never just about easy ticket submission – it was about saving you and your team time. Eliminating the frustrating and innate inefficiencies of traditional ticketing processes, the parts that you can’t track and that incidentally give your technicians the most grief.  

With our baseline feature set, easy ticket submission and powerful self-diagnosing report, partners like you have reported closing more sales and improving their ticket diagnostics and resolution times by 50-60%. We’re proud of those stories and numbers, and in wanting to save your team time, we’ve continued to expand the power of these capabilities: 2021 was truly the year where we’ve been able to roll out features that tie these together while becoming the timesaving workflow tool for technicians that we envisioned when we launched in 2019. 

The high points of the huge features we’ve added in 2021 include:  

And that’s just the high points: there are a ton more features, bug fixes, and QOL updates. For a full list, check out our changelog.  If you’d like a summary of what we did last year, 2020, you can read over our EOY Review here.  

Our next step is creating features that better allow you to standardize using Tier2Tickets across all of your customers. We have plans in 2022 to release a Mac Client, SSO for your team, and automatic Diagnostic Report creation no matter how the ticket is created. Check out our roadmap here.  

If you haven’t checked us out in a while, please feel free to schedule a time on our calendar to get an updated demo call or just log in and start playing with it again (You’ll probably want to update your build to our General Availability version!). If you are a long time supporter, please rest assured that these new features are and always will be included in your monthly licensing: thank you for your continued investment in us.  

We look forward to working with you as your team receives perfect tickets, every time.  



About Tier 2 Tickets

We've got 20 years in the helpdesk business and while we love what we do, there's got to be a way to do it better. People are lazy, let's outsmart them.