
Early September 2019 Updates

Hello, Team!

Just another quick update on what we’ve completed over the last few weeks and what we’re working on next.

First off, we have been working with our manufacturing partners and have brought the time for the custom buttons down a bit based on the volumes we are producing. We will continue to work on this going forward; people who have gone through the proofing process already should be able to be processed relatively quickly for their second orders. (Buy decals or buttons here)

Anyone who wants help getting the software either set up (PSA integration and whitelabeling) or otherwise deployed to your devices can schedule an on boarding with us. This onboarding is of no charge, we just want you to be able to easily and confidently work through trying out our product out! Also, if you just want to chat or ask questions feel free to call us directly anytime at (833) 328-8866. Someone will definitely answer between 7am-9pm ET; however, if you are outside of the U.S. and need accommodations made for your time zone, email us at and we will make arrangements.


  • Implemented S3 Gatekeeper, which is we find to be a cool piece of software to abstract away some security concerns with third party aggregation of data. We have open sourced this and more information can be found in this post: (If you missed it, this is a part of our AWS implementation, allowing you only access to your user data, and not on our servers, which you can get set up now, gratis).
  • Payload Updates. Added a feature where the payload can contain a “install.ps1” script which will be packaged with the installer and run as admin on install of the software. This will let you add your own packages and payload to the software that require elevated permissions and allow you to leverage the “long press” on the button to deploy other packages for clients.
  • Powershell workaround. Built a workaround for systems that do not have powershell.exe in their system path

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue on the home page with device count.
  • Fixed a Captcha Issue with the password reset
  • Fixed a few minor problems with the billings page.

In Progress:

  • We are currently working on the auto-updater, this was going to be a little bit involved because we wanted to couple it with a system service but we are backing off of that and taking the Google Chrome approach for now since we think that this is something holding back some of the more widespread adoption.
  • We are working to get International phone number authentication sorted out, and better UI for both those and credit card validation.
  • Working on custom generation of a batch file to use to push the software with your RMM or Group policy so people aren’t having to sort this out by hand.
  • Various work on cleaning up and tightening the integrations based on direct feedback we are getting.

You all have been amazing in reaching out to us with your concerns and ideas. We have made almost all of our changes and feature updates based on feedback from our testers, and we hope that you know we are basing our direction and development directly on your input. We want this to be a great tool for the community and we are listening intently, so please let us know what you see or would like to see.

As a reminder, you can keep up with us in the following places:

  • Our Support Knowledge Base:
  • Our Community Forum:
  • Our Bug Reports Github:
  • Our Public Roadmap:
  • We can be reached via email at

Our next update should come out a little bit sooner. Thanks for being on our team!


About Tier 2 Tickets

We've got 20 years in the helpdesk business and while we love what we do, there's got to be a way to do it better. People are lazy, let's outsmart them.