
2019-11-07 Update: Closed Beta timeline news, ServiceNow and Kaseya BMS, and more!

Greetings and Happy November!

We’re reviewing our notes and business cards after spending a good bit of last week at IT Nation in Orlando. It was our first conference and we’re already drumming up cool ideas for swag and engagement for other conferences down the road. And yes, it will probably include buttons. 

Met up with a lot of excellent companies we would like to add integrations with, as well as a few of you! We’re really grateful for your evangelism and enjoyment of our product. Would appreciate if you can let us know what we can do to help you a little more through this survey: 

Important News

  • Version 0.3.x.x of the software is deprecated. Upgrade all your endpoints by the end of the month to 0.4 so that you can keep getting tickets. Next time this happens, it will be better because of the autoupdater (learn more here:
  • We’re leaving Closed Beta by the end of the year. If you haven’t deployed to at least 100 endpoints, we hope you will lock in your beta pricing for life soon. Our intention is to move to full release by the Spring. 


Over the last two weeks, we’ve added the following for you good people: 

  • Kaseya BMS integration is live. 
  • ServiceNow integration is live, albeit lightweight. (If you’re using ServiceNow, will you please reach out to us? We’re trying to build a good feature set and would like to do so with you so it’s informed and intelligent.)
  • Advanced Integration Features framework is in place (read more here:
  • The settings page has a test button that can diagnose integration problems
  • More customization options in the GUI (the radio button group names)
  • Reliability improvements to the end user software
  • UX improvements in the user actions slideshow
  • The user actions slideshow is now downloadable as a single file (audit trail coming soon)
  • Added lots of new documentation to our Knowledge Base (
  • End-user instruction sheets are available for download:
  • The device list page has an export to CSV option now
  • We now support the Netherlands

Coming Soon

We’re working on: 

  • Expanding the OSTicket integration to do more
  • Upping our screen capture to the last 40 actions
  • Updating our MFA process on a per-user basis vs. per-account.

We have a survey that’s just a quick temperature check to make sure we’re on par for our beta cohort! Every question is optional. Fill out the things that matter to you, ignore the rest. 

That’s it for now, thank you so much for all of your input, feedback, and ideas! As per usual, keep up with us in the following places: 

Until next time, 


About Tier 2 Tickets

We've got 20 years in the helpdesk business and while we love what we do, there's got to be a way to do it better. People are lazy, let's outsmart them.