
May 2021 Update: New Report, featuring time-saving summary and new reports, including warranty lookup from CyberDrain

 We’ve been teasing a new report for ages and here it is! Version 1.1.x.18, now with a slew of features that we’re excited to offer to you and your techs. We’ve seen these features help our MSP in streamlining our assessment and diagnosis of incoming tickets and hope you all will see the same benefits.  

Features included:  

  • BETTER Report Summary 
  • Instead of a generic Red, Yellow, Green, get the number of errors and warnings we found in each section and jump to that area on click.  
  • NEW Top 10 Errors and Warnings 
  • While the Summary indicators mentioned above are nice, we took it a step further and summarized the actual top errors and warnings. No more scanning the report to get clarity on where to get started. Check out the summary and then click the offending item to get more information, sometimes even a curated link on how to resolve it! 
  • NEW Report Segments:  
    • Default Browser and Browser Extensions  
    • Printer Status  
    • Windows Hardware Scores  
    • System Stability Score (Past 30 Days) 
    • HaveIBeenPwnd 
    • Anti-Virus Status  
    • Thanks to the incomparable Kelvin Tegelaar at CyberDrain (you may know him as /u/Lime-TeGek), we’ve added his Warranty Lookup scripts to make your life even better:  
  • NEW Security Section: To better reflect breach records, AV status, et al 
  • NEW layout:
    • Now, the report is responsive, which means you can even pull it up on your phone while you’re on the go, no more awkward horizontal scrolling. 
    • Collapsible sections with “to top” for managing what data you want to focus on.
  • NEW Print button: just a quick and dirty print option if you want to save your report as a PDF.  
  • BETTER Remote Tools. Available in the top right hand corner when TechConnect is active. Coming soon: CHAT 

We still have a lot left in the tank. If you’re curious about when an integration with your ticketing system will be added or some other features that we’ve alluded to, check out our Roadmap. We love talking to y’all so please freely contact us with any requests, feedback, and other input. We’re grateful for such an amazing community of partners, so give us a shout at

Thanks for your interest and support, we look forward to hearing from you! 

About Tier 2 Tickets

We've got 20 years in the helpdesk business and while we love what we do, there's got to be a way to do it better. People are lazy, let's outsmart them.